S4 EP10: Could have just gone to Kaiser – A Review of the X-Men ’97 Animated Series pt.3

The guys (Kareem, Ken, and Pat) continue their review of the return of the X-Men animated series, X-Men ’97. Tangents include the problematic mutant health insurance, misusing baby monitors, racist time traveling, and more.

Show Notes

🎙️ Episode Title: “They could have just gone to Kaiser”

📅 Release Date: Mutant Time (five weeks late)

🕒 Duration: 53 minutes

Episode 3: “Fire Made Flesh”

  • Jean’s Telepathic Headache: Jean Grey dives into her own mind, but it’s like navigating rush hour traffic in a psychic freeway. Fragments, memories, and a dash of existential crisis—welcome to Jean’s mental gridlock.
  • Beast’s DNA Detective Work: Beast whips out his mutant CSI kit and concludes that the Jean who’s been hanging with the X-Men is a clone. Jean’s reaction? She’s angrier than Magneto at a metal detector convention.
  • Goblin Queen Unleashed: The clone gets a makeover and a new name: Goblin Queen. Sinister’s behind it all, and he’s got a thing for baby Nathan. But hey, at least we know where the Goblin Queen shops—Villain Chic Boutique.
  • Team Hellfire: The X-Men descend into a demonic hellscape. Monsters, memories, and a giant sentinel—just another day at the office. Jean saves the day, but the Goblin Queen snatches Nathan and heads to Sinister’s lab. Cue dramatic music.

Episode 4: “Mojo’s Punk Rock Offer”

  • Punk Rock Mojo: Mojo struts in, offering Jubilee a chance to relive her best memories forever. Because nothing says “nostalgia” like neon hair, mosh pits, and questionable fashion choices.
  • Criminals vs. Punk Savior: A punk vigilante takes down some thugs. Mojo’s like, “Join my reality TV show!” Jubilee’s like, “Sure, as long as I get a backstage pass to the ’90s.”
  • Roberto’s Mom from Hell: Roberto and Jubilee’s horror movie night turns real. His mom’s face pops out of the TV, calling him a monster. Parental guilt level: 1000.
  • Mind-Bending Mojo: Mojo’s mojo messes with minds. The X-Men become demonic versions of themselves. Magneto’s window trick? Foiled. Cyclops apologizes mid-battle. Awkward.
  • Sinister Showdown: The Goblin Queen awaits, and Morph’s GPS points to Sinister’s lab. Can the X-Men stop the cloning chaos? Tune in next time for more mutant madness!

Remember, listeners, when life throws clones, demons, and punk rock memories your way, just channel your inner Wolverine and say, “Bub, let’s podcast!” 🤘🔥

S4 EP.13: Being sidetracked is the mission – Reviewing the Fallout TV show pt.2 Tangential Giants Podcast

The guys (Kareem, Ken, and Pat) continue their review of the Amazon hit series, Fallout as they get through the first half of the season. Tangents include preemptive counterattacks against dogs, ghoul physiology, shooting Tyra Banks, and more.
  1. S4 EP.13: Being sidetracked is the mission – Reviewing the Fallout TV show pt.2
  2. S4 EP.12: Vault hopping during the apocalypse – Reviewing the Fallout TV show pt.1
  3. S4 EP11: See something, say something – A Review of the X-Men ’97 Animated Series pt.4
  4. S4 EP10: Could have just gone to Kaiser – A Review of the X-Men ’97 Animated Series pt.3
  5. S4 EP9: Uncle Tom Mutants – A Review of the X-Men ’97 Animated Series pt.2

Images from the show

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