S4 EP11: See something, say something – A Review of the X-Men ’97 Animated Series pt.4

The guys (Kareem, Ken, and Pat) continue their review of the return of the X-Men animated series, X-Men ’97. Tangents include non-toxic responses, explaining psychic attacks, over-hiring for the Apocalypse, and more.

Show Notes

Welcome, fellow mutants and mutant-curious listeners! Grab your spandex, adjust your adamantium claws, and let’s dive into the latest episode of X-Men ’97. We’re serving up drama hotter than Magneto’s helmet in a sauna.

Title: “Remember It”
Plot Summary:

  • The X-Men are still reeling from the Madelyne Pryor incident. Turns out, evil clones can really mess up your brunch plans.
  • Cyclops and Jean’s marriage? It’s like a mutant soap opera. Imagine Dr. Phil counseling them: “So, Scott, how does it feel to be married to a telepathic phoenix who occasionally turns into an evil clone?”

  • Wolverine, our brooding hero, joins the love triangle. Jean and Logan share a kiss, and Logan’s expression says, “I’ve survived wars, but this? This is my true battle.”
  • Rogue faces the ultimate dilemma: Magneto or Gambit? It’s like choosing between a metal-bending bad boy and a Cajun charmer. Spoiler alert: She picks both and invents a new dance move called the “Magnetic Shuffle.”

Highlights and Low Blows:

  • Magneto’s Dance Moves: In a surprise twist, Magneto reveals his secret passion for ’90s dance crazes. His hand dance with Rogue during the climactic ball scene? Iconic. Mutants and rhythm—what a combo!
  • Rogue’s Inner Monologue: “Should I date the guy who can control metal or the one who can light up a room with his accent? Decisions, decisions.” Rogue, girl, we feel you.


Rating: 4.5 out of 5 mutant mimosa glasses.

Why?: The episode delivers heart, humor, and more twists than Mystique at a yoga class. Plus, the ’90s soundtrack? Nailed it. (Ace of Base, we see you.)

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this podcast are purely fictional and not endorsed by the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. Please consult your local telepath before making any life-altering decisions. 🤔🔮

S4 EP.12: Vault hopping during the apocalypse – Reviewing the Fallout TV show pt.1 Tangential Giants Podcast

The guys (Kareem, Ken, and Pat) start their review of the Amazon hit series, Fallout. Tangents include law and at the end of the world, Lucy vs. Lucky, tipping as a power dynamic, selling kinks during the apocalypse, and more.
  1. S4 EP.12: Vault hopping during the apocalypse – Reviewing the Fallout TV show pt.1
  2. S4 EP11: See something, say something – A Review of the X-Men ’97 Animated Series pt.4
  3. S4 EP10: Could have just gone to Kaiser – A Review of the X-Men ’97 Animated Series pt.3
  4. S4 EP9: Uncle Tom Mutants – A Review of the X-Men ’97 Animated Series pt.2
  5. S4 EP8: Work harder, not smarter – A Review of the X-Men ’97 Animated Series pt.1

Images from the show

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